Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poetry from Random College Days #5

Hybrid Forest

Run to the light one
two run from the dark
the three stop and turn
trapped somewhere in middle ground
not knowing anything
lost in a labyrinth, of ones own mind
poisoned by lies
their truth is unspoken
refusing to be revealed, in fear of a bullet to the heart
resulting is endless pain
or in a cast out scream, calling for the grim reaper
their truth is unspoken to themselves
not knowing
still stuck in that middle ground

paths are all around
but we refuse to follow the sound, of a voice calling
afraid that it's an illusion of a desperate mind

the clock ticks
for time is not forever
being stuck
scared to push forward
wastes that time

still trapped in that middle ground
it is not just the path of light and dark
right and wrong
that lie before us

it is that of which we cannot comprehend
paths made of many choices
paths made of uncertain truth

keeping us scared and still
unmoving from the middle ground

our thoughts are not our own
though we may wish to stroll down a path
we cannot
for those thoughts are made up of consequences and doubt

although we can face it
break the lock that keeps us confined in the cage of chaos
face the lies
face the truth
face the fear

perhaps it's more
that keeps stuck within the middle unable to push through

each path has one certainty
each path has one that is the same

we are stuck because it is not just doubt and lies
not just fear
and visions of pain

we stick
because that one common ground
that is laid out in all paths

is ourselves

that one common truth
is why we are stuck

why no matter how bad one wants to push forward
despite all else that holds one back

is knowing that we will encounter the doppelganger
running head first into that of which we do not want to see

until the mind works beyond the closest door
fear becoming but a notion, of something that is lost in time

we stay trapped
unable to push forward

stuck in that middle ground.

written: 12/01/06

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